Sunday, July 27, 2003

Ok, so writing this, I'm in MAJOR nostalgia/sap mode. Just got back from wedding reception again. It was good to have a lot of time to just go around & talk to people, reintroduce & catch up.

Got to talk to MY old youth group counselors, and even the adults who taught Sunday School when I was in elementary school. It's kind of ironic, when they ask me what I'm doing, that I say "youth ministry." Who would've thought, that 8 years ago, they were my small group leaders, and now fast-forward 8 years, I'm standing where they once stood (only in Chicago). Makes me wonder... who among the youth of CCMC, will end up one day as youth group counselors themselves... or maybe even a youth pastor or two ^_^.

Most of the former youth group students still congregated in their old social groups, none of which I was really a part of. So I went around to see some of the younger students who are still in youth group, who were only elementary school/junior high when I was finishing youth group. Most of them probably don't even really know or remember me. Carmen, you're still such a sweetie ^_^ ... she's the only one who misses me enough & who is glad enough to see me back all the few times that I do come back. ^_^

Gideon, my old-timer "war buddy"... going through all the years in the trenches of church, ministry, & everything together. Funny how both of us are still in that line of work, huh :P. Except I'm getting paid for it (which doesn't mean all that much, really). Heh, look at us now, right, since 8th grade :P. "Heresy!"

Joseph gave a really powerful message today during service; while I know it's not true, it felt like the message was written almost specifically for me. As a Wheaton graduate, some of the humor would've only been funny to me (or to current Wheaton students). But there was a lot where he talked about ministry... the struggles, the wounds, and rough spots of ministry & serving with CBC. But then just seeing his life-testimony, of sticking with it for 9, almost 10, years... how he's remained faithful & really made a commitment to this church & the people here. He told the stories with tears, of things that took 7-8 years just to build. You wanna know inspiring? THAT's inspiring. And I hope I can say that one day too about my own relationship with a church- that God would call me to one place & call me to be faithful, even though it won't always be easy. He said that your relationship with your church is similiar to your relationship with your spouse: The initial experience being great, but then as you get to know one another, you start seeing the imperfections... and it gets harder to love the other. After a while, you have a choice to make. It's what I wrote about yesterday... for better or for worse, being "wed" to a church community, that in sickness & in health, it's your church. CCMC's been a growing process for me too- the relationships have taken a while to form... & I've had my share of disagreements, even with past & present small group leaders. But we still all work together... have learned to understand & forgive one another. Joseph gave a special word to all the ministers in the audience today... to stick with it, and not take the easy way out of leaving... not to quit early, to not "be apart from the people"... but to really get down in & among the people... to love them, give them life, and persevere- with joy- through it all. I hope someday I can say the same. The message was powerful to me because I know Joseph & the context he's giving it... I've seen the years of perseverance, and it really does inspire me.

Let your wounds tell the story of Christ.

Yes, it was hard to leave the reception today... not quite sure when to go, when was I REALLY done with goodbyes. Some of the people there I might not see again until the next wedding or perhaps even longer. I noticed that to many people, I said something like "how are you doing? I know I haven't been good at keeping in touch..." And while that's the truth, it's somewhat obvious. Of course I wasn't good at it, or else I wouldn't even need to say that; furthermore, if I really put enough stock into the relationship, I would've made the effort to keep in touch. I kept in touch with Kary for all 4 years of college, didn't I?
Most of my conversations sounded like: "hey _____, how's it going? what are you up to nowadays? work? school? how's that been going? When was last we talked... gosh, 4 years? more? Glad you're doing well. Hey, what's your e-mail, I'll try to keep in touch :P."
What if, instead, the conversations went something like this?:

"Oh, God? yea, I know him. Big guy, kind of white & glowing, right? Yea, we've talked a few times over the past year. Yea, I think he's doing well, not quite sure what he's up to. Y'kno, I just haven't been very good at keeping in touch. I visit every so often, but it's always so rushed... you know how it is. [Does he have e-mail now?]"... I'm kidding in that last sentence >.<

or maybe

"Heyyyy... God, long time no see. Yea, I've been bad at keeping in touch... how are things? I'm alright, y'kno, same ol'... school, work, things like that. Fancy seeing you around here... how long will you be around for? Well anyway, I've gotta go catch up with some other people now too. Later"

Sounds silly, huh? That pretty much summarizes a number of the conversations I had this weekend... in my cynicism, somewhat shallow and merely polite.... but in truth, if I really cared about the friendship, things would sound different. It'd sound much more like me & Gideon talking.

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Just got home from Joseph's wedding. This'll be a long entry, and I don't expect everyone to want to read it, especially if you aren't from Maryland or if you went to the wedding itself. But CBC can scroll to the very end paragraph, if you don't want to read it all.

Sheesh, it seems like half the Asians on the East Coast were here or somethin @.@. I saw people from Boston all the way down to North Carolina; names & faces of people I've lost touch with. Since going back out to Wheaton, I've really been bad at keeping in touch with the people I used to know, except for a scattered few ones. Gosh, almost all the old CBC crowd were there...
- Guys like Phil Su (the one who, my first night on worship team, or "singspiration" as we called it back in the early 90s, taught me what I needed to know)
- The adults who were MY small group leaders & counselors when I was in youth group... Everett & Angela, John Lee, Deb & Allan (their son & daughter are both SO cute)
- Past camp/retreat speakers that Joseph had invited to speak at retreats that I went to
- My peers (those my age or just 1-2 years older)... most of whom are all over the place working or finishing school & don't come back much
- a BUNCH of Wheaton folk came down (Vince, Jeff, Joe, Paul, Esther) to visit
- then there's the bunch who used to be little junior high kids or younger when I left for Wheaton... now gonna be juniors/seniors @.@ (Dang, I hardly recognize most of you anymore)

Today was a day of memory, and remembrance, in addition to celebration. Seeing not only my peers, but also the countless adults of the church, many of whom have watched me grow up. It's a strange thing, to see what happens with all of them when their children- my peers- grow up every year, head off to college, finish college, and some getting married. And even with my own peers... remembering days in youth groups, retreats, good memories, but also painful memories- the old scratches in the record from young punk teenage years.

The actual wedding itself. A very "modern" wedding, definitely. I don't know how much the parents & older crowd necessarily enjoyed it. Most of it was "music"-based. Started out with a strings group playing a medley from Sound of Music. Then the old-school worship team (plus a few of Theresa's- Joseph's wife- friends added into the mix). Dude. The 2 Korean guys on bass & electric were REALLY good; probably the best Asian bass or electric player I've heard. Anyway. There was something different about the time of worship, and at least for me, it had to do with remembering the times when I was in high school still, and Joseph would be doing his youth pastor thing of preaching, leading, etc., and always teaching us quite simply to love God & love people. And today, seeing basically the fruit of 9+ years of ministry all standing in that room- we were all students whom Joseph had influenced, pastored, and watched grow up- seeing everyone sing & worship, knowing for Joseph that it was a celebration not only of his marriage, but also of his living testimony of what he has done over the years with us. I guess that's what it means to worship in community, to worship WITH those around you- with all the history, good & bad; with the people you know & that you don't, the ones you like & even ones you dislike. But knowing, that as different as we are, Joseph loved each of us & make a mark on all our lives.

Not all the songs were "contemporary"- Great is Thy Faithfulness & Be Thou My Vision made it into the mix too. Joseph taught us to love the old hymns too. And today being Joseph's wedding day- the big milestone that it is- what an indescribable moment it must be for him to look back & say about God, "He's brought me to this day." And even just thinking about the important times in my own life thus far... youth group, Wheaton, finishing college... all the beginnings & ends, and to be able to say:
All I have needed, Thy hand has provided. Great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto me"
There was a depth there that cannot be explained, but only experienced.

Funnier moments included:
- an improptu moment of Joseph deciding to "sing" for Theresa, but explaining to us all he knew how to sing was Guns & Roses, and that he sounded like Elmer Fudd (no kidding, he did)
- Then Brian instead singing "for" Joseph, but singing that song at the end of "The Wedding Singer" (the song on the plane)... and Joseph (purposely) going "no no, not that one >.<"
- Joseph had the ring boy (ring bearer) DRIVE down the aisle in a little red electric jeep. That was just so... random @.@
- always the slide show... seeing pictures of Joseph from his younger days

A message to CBC- the youth, the college students, my peers, & all the rest.
It's ironic how Scripture chooses a wedding as the image of Christ & His church, and even the image of the church as a "body." Both those images convey a sense of being stuck together, of being with one another even when we might not want to be. In the wedding vows, we hear "for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live." I don't think you have to be married to understand at least in part what that means.

My own relationship with this church has, in some ways, been like that. Without a doubt, it is the place that has raised me spiritually, and a place where I grew up physically too every week. Sunday School teachers like Ed, Ann, Carol, etc. taught me through elementary school. John Lee, Everett & Angela, Rich & Becky, etc. through Junior High. And of course there's Joseph. Some of you younger ones remember me teaching you guys in Vacation Bible School & other instances of knowing me when you were little. There's a lot of history in this place. I can't say all the history has been good, however. There were plenty of hurts, plenty of bad memories, and plenty need for grace. And I can't say either that I've been very good at forgiving or being gracious.

But, in the body of Christ- like in a marriage, I suppose it'll always be like that- some good, some bad, but through it all, a commitment to be in it together. After all, we as Christians are "stuck together" for eternity, by the profession of faith we made at the very beginning of our relationship with God. Not only did we promise to love God, but we (perhaps unknowingly) got roped in & stuck with the rest of God's children. I didn't want to stick around, really; in fact, in college when I had the chance, I didn't come back, not even when I was back in the area. I guess some memories were just too hard to remember, some history too hard to live with. Yet at the same time, God didn't allow me to fully leave. Today as I saw most everyone again- the ones older & the ones younger than me- I have to admit: this is my church. For all the ups & downs, this is my church. Some of you may not know me, some may only cordially remember me, or perhaps some would rather not remember :P. But you guys are my church. It's cool seeing how everyone has been growing & changing, being led by God & transformed into who you will become.

For better or worse, I guess I'm here.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

[Current Location: Maryland; local time 0:44 EST, July 25]

Got "home" around 9:30 tonight; with the loss of 3 hours due to time zone, the flight east took pretty much all day today. The house has a strange quality to it... strange to be back. My old room feels like a dusty photo album, the wall hangings, furnishings, and contents a snapshot of my youth & days past. It holds all the "junk" that I didn't take with me to Chicago, most of which I do not miss at all. The memory lingers in the walls & in the furniture, and each item speaks its own story. But it's not the room I know now, nor the one that I'm familiar with anymore; it is both mine and not mine at the same time.

Oh, and I found my old David Eddings books all still sitting here (that one was for you, Nessa). Maybe I'll haul them out to Chicago someday

Tomorrow... dentist appointment, then eye appointment. Some Wheaton folk are in town for the wedding, & so maybe might do something with them. Otherwise it might not be a bad idea to spend the stillness of a Friday night on my own, as kind of my down-time. Or maybe see if Kary's doing anything Friday night.

[Current Location: Seattle, WA; local time 22:51, July 23]

Happy Birthday, Shirley

Anyway, let's see... tomorrow I fly out to Maryland to begin the 2nd-phase of my trip around the country :P. Let's see... what did I do today... clean the gutters, vacuum the house, and oh yes, VIRUS SCAN MY LAPTOP >.<. How annoying. I think I managed to get a virus from a random neighbor's broadband network whose bandwidth I was "borrowing" (serves me right, I guess). So after I ran Antivirus & it cleaned over 900 files @.@, I realized that in the cleaning process, the Windows Registry Editor (regedit) program would not start anymore. If you're a bit more advanced in your computer saavy, you know that it's not a good thing. SO... I spent MORE time at Microsoft's website, reading Knowledge Base artcle after article, trying to fix it, but no luck. Then I switched methods, to transferring everything to my old hard drive, and am now preparing- upon return to Chicago- to reflush and reinstall everything AGAIN. meh.

I even brought the laptop with me to dinner so I could run virus scans while the adults talked ^^;;;. Oh yah, we went to this seafood restaurant in Chinatown [and here's the part where seafood lovers will start to hate me... *points at Vicky*]... ordered one of those "Chinese combo" thingys where the dishes are pre-set... including some yummy seafood soup... fish [of course]... king crab [seeing as though this is Seattle XD]... Peking duck... broccoli, beef, noodles,... some shrimp dish... etc. You get the idea. So yah, I ate well.

I think I'm done packing now... but I should get some sleep... see y'all on the other coast ^^;;

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

[Current Location: Vancouver BC, Canada]

Yup, I'm outta the country, here at Josh Koh's place actually. This morning my parents & I drove up to Vancouver, since it's only like 2 hours north of Seattle. Got here in the early afternoon, met up with my mom's cousin's family, then headed over to Josh Koh's. My parents left to go do the Chinese family dinner thing, while Josh & I basically spent the afternoon around Vancouver.

The weather was GREAT... upper 70s, hardly any humidity, & a nice lil breeze. Ok, so I guess it's consider "hot" for them up here in Canada, but compared to Chicagoland, it was great. Took the bus around, walked around downtown, visited a mall in downtown Vancouver. That was rather amusing... I'll have some pictures posted eventually when I get back stateside. Heh, yea, seeing what these crazy Canadians sell in malls, lol XD. hehe. Then for dinner, Josh took me to this all you can eat Korean BBQ/Japanese sushi place XD XD... bet I'm makin some of you jealous. Kinda pricy... like maybe $16-17US, if I did the math right. But it was GOOD food. So much meat, so little time.

Afterwards, Megan (friend from Wheaton, for those who don't know) met us downtown, & drove us around some more. Went to a park/garden, walked around & saw the pretty flowers (pictures to come eventually too). Then stopped off to get some bubble tea XD, and walked around some more. Y'kno, it's not like we "did a whole lot," but I thoroughly enjoyed it. In part it was just the beautiful weather & scenery (and the basic change of scenery... mountains & water, not cornfields)... but just walking around with Josh & Megan, talking as we went... enjoying the company of friends whom you haven't seen in a while. In short, it was restful, which was what I wanted in "vacation" anyway. I guess I've never been the really "adventurous" type that wanted to run around & do lots of stuff.

So yea... that's the really short version (because I really need to get to sleep) of today. Tomorrow I go with Josh to class, then drive back to the US in the afternoon. See you all on the other side of the border

Monday, July 21, 2003

In Seattle this morning, where local time is 8:13am. I actually was up by right before 7:00. I guess that's the nice thing about flying out west... it seems like you're getting to wake up earlier. Ah, the false hope. This morning a whole bunch of trucks resurfacing the street outside woke me up. >.<

Driving up to Vancouver later in the morning/early afternoon... I'll "blog" on the Clie & upload those later. Anyway, below is the sligtly longer blog from yesterday while on the plane:

17:20 PST
Sunday July 20, 2003

[Originally written in-flight]

At this point, I’m about 1 ½ hours to go in my flight out to Seattle, out of a 4 hour flight or so. Time actually passed by rather quickly. It wasn’t the most pleasant of flights; the seating is somewhat cramped, the plane small, and a baby in the back who wails incessantly. Also the rather heavy-set man sitting in front of me constant leans back far enough to disturb the screen of my laptop as I’m trying to type. Still, it is good to be here, it is good to be flying out.

Earlier I was thinking & journaling, about this whole perplexing concept of “vacation.” I don’t know if I can rightly call this trip “vacation.” My week will actually be fairly full, with social dinners, get-togethers, a wedding, & assorted appointments to all take up my calendar; it’s not like I’ll really have that much “down time.” Still, being that it is a change of scenery, a change of activity, it’ll be good. I had felt a bit guilty about looking forward to leaving, as if the mere fact that I was looking forward to it meant that somehow my life & ministry in Chicagoland was tiresome, a burden, or “bad.” In truth, it is actually none of the above, although I do admit that, with the amount of activity going in the past few weeks, as well as the constant meeting/presence of people, I have not felt very “settled,” or at ease. I feel like I’ve wrung every last drop of “outgoing-ness” out of me in having to meet with people, smile, and entertain, that the introverted part of me has been severely craving something a bit more “natural” to my personality. But I guess unless I fly myself out to opposite coasts, there’s little opportunity while in Chicagoland to actually “get away” for that more quiet time. [There goes the baby again… crying with all she’s got >.<].

So yea… I guess I am looking forward to this week, to get a change of pace… and just getting to see more of life & the world around me than just CCMC & Illinois. I think I’m landing & going straight to a dinner party tonight. Then tomorrow, driving up to Vancouver, hopefully seeing Josh Koh, and maybe my friend Megan too. Then I get like another day or so in Seattle before flying back to Maryland on Thursday. Friday, I’ve got appointments galore in the day, and my Friday night- the first without youth group in a year, I think- I’m hoping to get together with some old friends. Then Saturday is my youth pastor Joseph’s wedding, which will be loads of fun. Saturday night is my night to see Kary again & catch up over this past year. Then Monday night, I fly back to Chicago.

So that, in a nutshell, is the itinerary of my week away from Chicagoland. I’m not sure how much online time in Seattle I will have, as my grandma’s old house is now a rental property, and I shouldn’t be clogging up the phone line the whole time & all. Most likely I’ll just have daily access to e-mail & blogging, and hopefully will be more regular in updating… which makes me wonder, given that it’s been almost 2 weeks since my last entry, whether anyone still actually reads this thing. *pokes*

At any rate, time to amuse myself with a game for the next hour. Ah… gotta love the 7-hour battery life of the T40 XD

Monday, July 07, 2003

Time for the weekly blog post.

It's been a rainy, blustery weekend here in Chicagoland. Twice over the weekend, I was woken up in the early-morning because of roaring thunderstorms. This whole week is supposed to be on & off thunderstorms too. At the same time, when it has not rained, the humidity has been above 60%, making the already-hot temperature that much more unpleasant.

Still, I thank God for daily sustaining grace, which guides me through each weekend. This particular weekend, being July 4th holiday, both youth group and Sunday service were considerably smaller. In fact, Friday night was so small that we ended up not doing what was planned (i.e. meet in individual small groups), and instead combined groups & took them to fireworks too. (Heh, my car had Nessa, wendus, Jessica, & Joyce... what an intereting combination @.@). Saturday was refreshingly free, with much open time to spend with people. Mike Hwang hung around & watched The Karate Kid... such a classic movie.

Sunday was a full day, and had its rough spots, but overall... I can still call it good. The gym for service was swelteringly hot & humid, and the group that gathered seemed more lethargic than usual, but that's expected on a summer weekend (especially a long weekend). Praise God for guiding me through my own sermon :P. Unbeknownst to all of you (until now), I was doing quite a bit of on-the-fly revising, editing, and re-organizing as I was speaking, and so I didn't feel very relaxed in my delivery of the talk, but it still went through, and I trust God with the rest. My Sunday School class, I miss you guys :P... see you all again in August.

Slept the afternoon, then in the evening went down to Chicago with the career adults. Walked around the last day of Taste of Chicago, eating one masssive BBQ turkey leg. After walking around & eating, we gathered to play a bit of softball & volleyball. Actually most the guys played softball, the girls stood around, and I was frisbee-ing. Finally we left around 10:30, walking back to the cars, but not in time, for another thunderstorm had begun to roll through, and soaking all of us on the streets. However, there was something refreshing to walking around the city in the rain.

Today was a good day, spent in reading, meditating, and reflecting- my Sabbath Monday, as it was meant to be. Although, given the weather, I'm getting a bit restless from being confined indoors/at home all day every day. This weeks looks good- less full, though Josh will be out of town for the latter half- but it'll work out.

I have 2 weeks exactly to find a birthday gift for my roommate :P

Friday, July 04, 2003

>.< >.< >.< >.< >.<

I'm in a sour disposition that's getting more sour by the minute. However, this is neither the proper channel nor forum to go off on it. Still, the fact remains, that I am an introvert, one who draws his energy from being alone & having time in solitude. I do NOT gain strength from constantly being around people, which is in fact, what my week's been like. And to be honest, I feel very drained. The first sign of which, that I am easily frustrated & annoyed by people.

They say that when a person grows up, all they really learn how to do is make their sins appear more "civilized." After all, a 2-year old, when upset at someone, will very vocally & openly let everyone know. However, an adult will make such anger more "tamed," and perhaps not express it in a violent outburst, but in more subtle ways- such as body language, looks, attitude, etc. Yet although man looks at the outward appearance, God looketh on the heart, and so perhaps the gap between the adult & the child is not as wide as we'd like to imagine. So while I've learned to "tame" my emotions, there are times when I feel the "primal rage" within, where my real feelings would rather bust out- where there are people that I'd like to tell off, but I don't. Or things I'd like to smash & could very well punch holes in, but I don't.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Well, nothing else to do at 3:00a.m., now is there? ^^;;; I guess these updates are becoming weekly, for two main reasons.
1. My week(s) are becoming full enough that to update daily is becoming less feasible, and
2. Going along with that, there are just better things to do than sit & update blogs/Xangas all day.
It's not that nothing exciting happens, and I suppose that if I were to go back to the original reason why I kept doing this (i.e. to keep out of town/out of touch people updated as to what's going on), then there's still some point & merit to blogging.

Anyway, it doesn't feel like Monday (er. Tuesday early-morning). Usually Mondays are the "day off," where I get personal things done for the week & generally get to take care of business before my "work week" begins. Actually, it's also more of my Sabbath opportunity. This Monday, youth came over to play games & hang out, which was fun, & then went off to hockey afterwards.

Sunday was definitely a full day, with preaching, teaching Sunday School, teaching guitar class, and leading an evening Bible Study. Praise God for the endurance & stamina to make it through the whole day, & what's more, to make it through in good spirits. As Sandra put it, "my brain was a bit addled", and by Sunday School, the signs were showing: I wasn't quite as coherent, logical, or articulate (even the sermon was somewhat like that), & it completely went downhill by the evening. Still, I'm grateful for the grace given to me.

Moving backwards on through the weekend, Saturday was fun. Had lunch with Tracey, and being in the company of a good friend is always such a blessing. Always great to be back in the company of old friends. I admit, both of us having moved on from Wheaton & being college students, it's been interesting learning how to still keep in touch & all even though time is a luxury we often don't have. Some people think that to have close community (or to connect with others) takes a whole lot of time & constant contact to achieve (or maintain). Well, that's not quite true, and I'm grateful that even the times few & far between have always been a blessing- being able to talk about what's happened since last we talked, sharing prayer requests, & even such simple things as enjoying God's small blessings of good weather & books :).

The rest of the afternoon- spent that with youth who were over to train for Backyard Bible Club teaching, then hitting up Popeyes for dinner. On the way out from dinner, it had just rained, and a full rainbow (from ground to ground) was bright & bold in the eastern sky, with a second rainbow right above it. It's one of those things that makes you pause, take a good look, and simply worship. Briefly dropped by WCAC's coffeehouse, mostly to say hello to people I still knew there & such. Honestly, it made me sad to be there, having seen & known the church for the past 4 years, and seeing how recent events have really hurt their church, and trickled down in affecting their youth group.

Friday night went very well (at least from my perspective). Felt like the letter-writing was good for most people, even the non-introverts, & was a good chance to reflect on the year past & think about the year future. Me, I didn't get to do much of that, having to watch over the evening, and I don't reflect well with a divided mind. I gotta say, I was really impressed and amazed by the youth on that night's worship team (i.e. everyone else but me), in how together & confident they were; as a group who never played/sung together, you guys did great. Not just musically, but in expressing from your heart & giving life to the praise. (Even during the ending-response time when I sprung songs on you guys without practicing beforehand ^_~)

And that, in a nutshell was the weekend.

This week will be a comparatively light load, considering that there's no evening Bible Study to lead, and guitar-class plans are mapped out for the rest of the month. I've already got Sunday School mostly prepared too, and my next 2 talks are mapped out too. It'll still definitely be a full week. In 5-6 hours or so, I'm supposed to take my car in to get some final repairs done on my tire. Then the rest of the week, full of meeting with people, gatherings, etc. Again, it won't be a bad week or even a "busy" week, just a full one. Although the past couple weeks were definitely a much more cranked-up pace, I honestly admit that I enjoyed it more than the weeks that weren't. It's good to be satisfied in your work, and to see the fruits of your labor; too much free time- or rather, meaningless free time- is indeed meaningless.

Prayer Requests:
- continued strength for the week & the tasks ahead
- meaningful times in meeting with different students throughout the week
- meaningful times of my own in meeting with God & growing in my own walk

mm. that about covers it :)