Thursday, March 27, 2003

Haven't blogged for a week; whoops. As most of you probably know, it's Spring Camp this coming weekend. Most of my week was spent doing prep stuff for it. In fact, it took us from 7:30pm till 1:30am on Monday night (yes, 6 hours) to put the small groups together. As I'm writing this, I have a sinking feeling that I'm forgetting something... either something that we need to bring to camp, or something that I need to do, a phone call to make, etc. etc. @_@.

The process going into camp does feel "different" this year, though I'm not sure why. I'm sure one component of it for me, being in the planning of it, is just the process of putting it together and all the stresses involved. One huge prayer request for me is that I don't get "lost" in all that planning & become distracted from the heart & soul of camp. Also just that my mood/attitude will be a right one (i.e. I won't get frustrated at people, stressed at what doesn't work, etc.). My mind has felt very "busy" this week... frenetic, unsettled. Even now, there are a couple things unsettling me.

I don't know what to expect for camp, which probably sounds odd coming from me, considering that I've been at 2 camps/retreats per year for the past 10 years... you do the math :P. I'm glad Jerry Root is our speaker. Although I've been in 7 classes over 3 years with him as my professor, there always is something more I can learn from him. He is indeed the man of God that I hope to someday be. There's something about his love for God and love for people that is special. He's the "picture" of a humble man, in my mind- greatly gifted and respected, yet a servant like Christ. In all the lessons/talks/sharings that I've heard him give, it's usually not him talking about anything "new" about God that I might not've heard before... but it's reminding me of what I know... and what it looks like when it's real. And so in some ways at camp, I'm a student again, listening to my teacher. And while I know what stories he might tell & what he might say, I don't know what to expect; I never do when Jerry teaches. All I know is that he helps me see God every time.

So as some of you know, I got DDR pads last week. And as of last night, we now have a modded Playstation here at Living Water; Jeff Chou generously donated his old one. And as soon as I get copies of the DDR mixes from people, yes, we will have DDR here :P. It's all for you guys, ok?


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