Thursday, March 20, 2003

Fell asleep watching the news :P. CNN gets quite boring after a while... the military analysts start repeating themselves & there really isn't much more going on. I kinda hate how our media does that... it's like after 9-11 or any other big news event... they just keep going & going & going until you're sick of hearing anymore. It's also kinda funny to see a lil map of Iraq on the screen & then see a lil model or picture of a stealth bomber that marks "here they are"... it's like we're telling Saddam "lookie! if you can't find our stealth bomber because it's stealth, just watch CNN! there it is!" ~_~. Yea. and they explain "this is how our smart-bombs work" ... greaaaaat idea; explain all our technology, why don't ya ~_~. Yes, I know that the "real" military stuff is still classified & the CNN release doesn't really make THAT much of a difference at all, but still... it's just kind of... silly. There's smarter ways to fight a war ~_~.

Seems pretty clear to me from today, that God's will always triumphs in His church. There've been a couple issues within CCMC on the large-scale going on (sorry, I can't go into detail here) and as difficult as some of these issues are, it shows to me that when people fail to obey (either by ignorance or willful rebellion), God still forces things to happen. One example that I can go into detail is this: starting this summer, Lincoln Junior High is undergoing renovations... meaning that by summer, we'll need another facility for our Naperville worship services (since we won't have classrooms for Sunday School). The "coincidence" is that recently the church has realized that we'll be outgrowing Lincoln soon anyway & we either need to find a new facility or build our own. At the same time, not everyone is agreed as to "where to move to" (or if we should build our own building, etc.). I find in very interesting that this summer, whether we want to or not, God is in essence forcing us to move ahead (literally) and get going with this whole church expansion/facility issue.

It's been a really good week, but also a really full week. A lot to be thinking about/praying about, but I'm glad for that... because the sense of needing God comes along with it. It's almost like there's so much I could write about & from so many different angles that I don't know where to go at it from. I think what I'll do is wait until I've got it more figured out, and then you'll hear from me.

Hope you finish tomorrow/the week off well... it's okie, at least spring break is coming up. prayin for you ^_^.
Glad you'll be back next week for break ^_^


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