Sunday, March 16, 2003

So yea... if you didn't read the notice on my Xanga or on what used to be my blog, please reset your bookmarks & links to point here instead. I posted the reason why on the other 2 sites. *thwaps Blogger*

The weather was beautiful today... got over 50 degrees during the day, & was even 40-something an hour ago when I got home. Spring is coming. mm. Like you said a couple blog-posts ago, there is definitely something refreshing and nice about springtime ^^. Wish I coulda done something today. But it was nice, even while driving back after worship team, to have the windows down & the K-pop techno goin ^_^.

Went to pick up Mark & Val from Midway, then headed into Chinatown for a later dinner XD. The line for both Joy Yee's and Peneng were out the door :P (and this was at almost 9:00pm ~_~), so we settled for good ol' Seven Treasures :P (Seven Ghettos, for the Wheaton students ~_~). Definitely not Joy Yee's, but hey, I'm not gonna complain. For one, it's not like I could cook any better (or even near it), and second, any food that's provided like that is a blessing. Besides, since the place wasn't so crowded, we got to enjoy a nice relaxed meal, getting to catch up & such (rather than be in a crowded, noisy, stuffy place).

That penguin picture you found was hilarious XD XD.

Hamlet & Hamlet arrived in the mail today (shipping only took 2 days, go figure). So if some of you are by LW, you can take a peek; otherwise, they're not leaving the house (or the room, for that matter).

This whole week, despite feeling that I haven't made the most of my time, has been a good week. The lack of discipline is something I acknowledge, and move on to improve on this week, not something for me to regret & dwell on. Sometimes I wonder if that's what happens to a lot of us (especially a lot of you students whom I talk to)... where there's a bad week, a bad test, a bad decision, etc. And certainly you aren't supposed to "move on" as in "ignore what happened." But having acknowledged what went wrong or where you messed up, then just keep on going. As sure as death & taxes are (speaking of taxes, I gotta do mine ~_~), messing up is another sure-thing life. But that's why there's grace.

There's way too many blogs/Xangas for me to go through in a given week now... just look at the links on the left (for either my blog or Xanga, whichever version you're reading), and you can see that I can't get through it all (I confess, the only blogs & check every day are like the chicklets blogs; all others, I wait for Xanga to send me the subscriptions). So I can't keep up with everyone like I'd like to; also by not being on AIM, it cuts down on interaction too. But again, everyone please do e-mail- or better yet, call- and keep in touch, at the very least, to let me know how I can pray for you. In flipping through the opening chapter of John Piper's book "Brothers, We Are Not Professionals," Piper writes to pastors/ministers and says:
our first business is to pant after God in prayer
and the whole stress of the chapter (& book) is to say to those in ministry (i.e. people like me) that ministry is not a "job," it is not a "profession." Sometimes I'm tempted to think that way, but it really can't be justified. Preparing Bible Studies is not "work"... neither is getting together with people or teaching, preaching, etc. (maybe a deacon meeting is "work," but that's a gray area ~_~). Point is, with all the time I have in my week, it's time where I have to be praying for all of you, time to write, time to plumb the depths of Scripture. None of what I have to do is "work". So yes... make my days meaningful by letting me know how I can pray for you, how I can better serve you (the comments/chatterbox now works again).


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