Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Talked with someone from CBC last night, wishing her a happy belated birthday. In the course of conversation, found out she's finishing up junior year of high school already, on her way to becoming a senior. With that, I realized how much time has passed since I left Maryland. 4 years by straight-calendar time, but I mean more like "perceived time." I mean, c'mon, these were "kids" who were in my Vacation Bible School class when they were in 5-6th grade, and are now going to be juniors/seniors. Yikes.

This weekend'll be the first ever CBC Spring Retreat that I will NOT be at. I've tied all the adults of CBC for being one of the most consistent retreat attendees. (I think the 1st retreat was the year I was born, & my parents brought me all through childhood, I went while in youth group, and even went the past 3 years when I was home for the summers). But yea, this year marks the first that I won't be there. And truth be told, I suppose I don't really quite miss it much.

Nothing against the retreat or anything. But I guess the past 2 years, it's felt like an overglorified reunion of out-of-town college folk, going around a college campus, eating semi-decent food (Wheaton is better :P), and attending more workshops & more main sessions. Part of it, having been a spoiled Wheaton evangelical, meant that I had a hard time really enjoying the speakers that they invited, without noticing theological inconsistencies and homiletic flaws. Yea. That's what happens when you spend 3 years listening to speakers whose books line your shelves.

Alright, enough off the CBC tangent. I mean, yea, I do miss them kinda-sorta. Joseph asked me to speak for youth service there sometime; I still have to figure out when. I've been thinking about a short trip home sometime in early summer, probably just like a Monday-Thursday sort of thing. It'd give me a nice break/vacation in the midst of a lot that I have to do. Plus Kary finishes finals this week sometime & will be back in MD for summer also; it'd be good to make a visit.

Alright. that was the semi-random update for the afternoon.


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